ClimaTea Journal Club: Revisiting the Iris Effect


Tuesday, September 15, 2015, 3:00pm to 4:00pm


HUCE Seminar Room

This week GS Lauren Kuntz will be presenting Mauritsen and Stevens (2015), "Missing iris effect as a possible cause of muted hydrological change and high climate sensitivity in models." (attached)

Lauren says about the paper:
The Iris Effect was first postulated by Lindzen et al (2001) and suggested that in response to a warming climate, dry and clear regions would expand to allow more infrared radiation to escape to space acting as a negative feedback. Although this idea has been subject to debate, Mauritsen and Stevens (2015) revisits the consequences and possibility of the iris effect. The impact of including this effect in models on temperature, hydrological response, and climate sensitivity are investigated and compared to observational evidence of the iris effect. A possible physical mechanism behind the iris effect - the clustering of convective clouds - is also presented.
mauritsenstevens2015.pdf785 KB